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Forumul nu a mai fost lucrat de cel putin un an din motivul ca nu se mai tine serverul...
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 Costum Flabang:))

In jos 
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Numarul mesajelor : 192
Data de inscriere : 10/11/2008
Varsta : 31
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MesajSubiect: Costum Flabang:))   Costum Flabang:)) Icon_minitime1Mier Feb 04, 2009 6:02 am

Custom Flashlight AMXMOD Plugin

° Author : SAMURAI
° Version : 0.11 -> 0.11b
* Ported to AMX MOD by SAMURAI

° Detalii : Cu acest plugin va puteti schimba culoareai lanternei de la arme.

XxAvalanchexX: CVARS
flashlight_custom (default 1) - whether to use custom flashlights or not
flashlight_r (default 100) - red value for flashlight color
flashlight_g (default 100) - green value for flashlight color
flashlight_b (default 100) - blue value for flashlight color
flashlight_drain (default 1.0) - rate at which flashlight battery drains
flashlight_charge (default 0.5) - rate at which flashlight battery recharges
flashlight_radius (default 9) - radius of the light from the flashlight
flashlight_decay (default 60) - rate at which light "decays" (has to do with the edges of the light, just screw around with it)

Activati modulele FUN si VexDUM !

Download : ... einfo.html
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