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 Humans VS Monster

In jos 
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Numarul mesajelor : 192
Data de inscriere : 10/11/2008
Varsta : 31
Localizare : sibiu

Humans VS Monster Empty
MesajSubiect: Humans VS Monster   Humans VS Monster Icon_minitime1Joi Feb 12, 2009 11:44 am

Descriere: acest mod este un mod cu monstri din half-life! Ii omori si faci xp si fraguri ! Cu un numar precis de xp acumulat faci LVL up ! La lvl up iti da skill points! Skill points le foloseti pt skiluri !

HP +: Iti mareste hp-u pt fiecare lvl.
Speed +: Iti mareste viteza pt fiecare lvl.
Gravity -: Scade gravitatea pt fiecare lvl
Start Pistol: iti schimba pistolu cu care incepi (0 skill4_pistol0,1 skill4_pistol1,2 skill4_pistol2,3 skill4_pistol3,4 skill4_pistol4,5 skill4_pistol5
Mid-Kit: Il poti folosi odata pt fiecare viata! Acest Skill iti da viata! cat e mai mare skilu cu atat mai multa viata primesti (bind k midkit)
Vanish: Vey fi full invisibil ! o poti activat odata pe 1 runda(bind j vanish)

say /wins
say /kills
say /topwins
say /topkills
say /help
say /help2
say /hvmstats
say /skills
say /resetskills

C-VARUIRI: (nu am mai stat sa le traduc )
bounty_hunters 0 //Enables Bounty Hunters mode (0 = Disabled, 1 = Kill anyone, 2 = Teams)
level1xp 100 //The XP needed to get to level 1 (Each level will need double the XP needed for the previous level)
point_perlevel 2 //How many points a player gets for each level?
skill1_hp 20 //How many HP a player gets for every 'HP +' level?
skill2_speed 20.0 //How many % to be added to a player's speed for every 'Speed +' level?
skill3_gravity 12.0 //How many % to be subscribed from a player's gravity for every 'Gravity -' level?
skill4_pistol0 glock18 //What's the starting pistol for 'Start Pistol' level 0?
skill4_pistol1 usb //What's the starting pistol for 'Start Pistol' level 1?
skill4_pistol2 p228 //What's the starting pistol for 'Start Pistol' level 2?
skill4_pistol3 deagle //What's the starting pistol for 'Start Pistol' level 3?
skill4_pistol4 fiveseven//What's the starting pistol for 'Start Pistol' level 4?
skill4_pistol5 elite //What's the starting pistol for 'Start Pistol' level 5?
skill5_hp 25 //How many HP to heal for every 'Mid-Kit' level?
skill6_time 2 //How many seconds to stay invisible for every 'Vanish' level?
skill1_maxlevel 5 //What's the max level for 'HP +'?
skill2_maxlevel 5 //What's the max level for 'Speed +'?
skill3_maxlevel 5 //What's the max level for 'Gravity -'?
skill5_maxlevel 5 //What's the max level for 'Mid-Kit'?
skill6_maxlevel 5 //What's the max level for 'Vanish'?
knife_speed 50 //The speed to be added to a player when using no weapon(knife)
agrunt_xp 15 //How many xp a player gets for killing an agrunt?
bigmomma_xp 25 //How many xp a player gets for killing a bigmomma?
bullsquid_xp 5 //How many xp a player gets for killing a bullsquid?
controller_xp 15 //How many xp a player gets for killing an controller?
gargantua_xp 50.0 //How many xp a player gets for killing an gargantua?
headcrab_xp 3 //How many xp a player gets for killing a headcrab?
houndeye_xp 5 //How many xp a player gets for killing a houndeye?
islave_xp 10 //How many xp a player gets for killing an islave?
snark_xp 1 //How many xp a player gets for killing a snark?
zombie_xp 10 //How many xp a player gets for killing a zombie?
hgrunt_xp 10 //How many xp a player gets for killing a hgrunt?
tentacle_xp 25 //How many xp a player gets for killing a tentacle?
barney_xp 10 //How many xp a player gets for killing a barney?
hassassin_xp 10 //How many xp a player gets for killing a hassassin?
agrunt_frags 1 //How many frags a player gets for killing an agrunt?
bigmomma_frags 2 //How many frags a player gets for killing a bigmomma?
bullsquid_frags 1 //How many frags a player gets for killing a bullsquid?
controller_frags 1 //How many frags a player gets for killing an controller?
gargantua_frags 3 //How many frags a player gets for killing an gargantua?
headcrab_frags 0 //How many frags a player gets for killing a headcrab?
houndeye_frags 1 //How many frags a player gets for killing a houndeye?
islave_frags 1 //How many frags a player gets for killing an islave?
snark_frags 0 //How many frags a player gets for killing a snark?
zombie_frags 1 //How many frags a player gets for killing a zombie?
hgrunt_frags 1 //How many frags a player gets for killing a hgrunt?
tentacle_frags 2 //How many frags a player gets for killing a tentacle?
barney_frags 1 //How many frags a player gets for killing a barney?
hassassin_frags 1 //How many frags a player gets for killing a hassassin?
win_limit 50 //How many frags a player needs to win?
fragslose 1 //How many frags a palyer loses when died? (When killed by a player, will lose this amount -1)
min_players 2 //How many players should be connected to start counting frags?
hvm_pause 0 //Stops Humans VS Monsters Mod from counting Frags, Monster kills and Wins.
hvm_save 1 //Saves players scoers(Kills, Wins, Monster Kills)
hvm_saveby 0 // 0 = SteamID, 1 = IP, ELSE = Name
hvm_sounds 1 //Enables Humans VS Monsters Mod sounds.

hvm_top10_path "addons/amxmodx/hvm_top10" //The path where the top10 lists will be saved.(Uses "hvm_saveby")

Module: (se sterge ; din fata urmatoarelor module)


*CSDM il luati de aici->

* Hamsandwich module il luati de aici->

*Metamod il puneti in cstrike/addons
*monster il puneti in cstrike/addons
*monster_skill si monster_prechace il puneti in cstrike
Download:;12034228;/fileinfo.html (monster)
Download:;12034229;/fileinfo.html (monster_kill & monster_prechace)
Download:;12034240;/fileinfo.html (sunetele)
Restul zip-urilor au numele gata facut pentru unde trebuie puse!!!
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